CCI dismisses information which, prima-facie, appears as a consumer complaint

The Competition Commission of India (“CCI”), vide its order dated 6th July, 2023 has opined that defrauding a consumer by supplying of spurious products is a consumer issue and does not raise any competition law concern and is not within the ambit of the Competition Act, 2002 as amended (“Act”). An individual informant (“Informant”) had […]

Disputes arising out of a failed business arrangement and raising no competition concerns are purely within the realm of commercial disputes for which the remedies do not lie with the CCI

The Competition Commission of India (“CCI”) has opined that disputes arising out of a failed business arrangement raising no competition concerns are not strictly within the realm of the Competition Act, 2002, as amended (“Act”) and that the remedy for such disputes and allegations solely involving cheating, defrauding and misrepresenting do not lie with the […]

NCLAT upholds CCI’s order imposing penalty on Amazon

The NCLAT vide its order dated 13th June, 2022, has upheld the order of the CCI against Amazon, where the CCI penalized the latter for giving false and misleading information in the notice and suppressing material facts relating to the actual scope and purpose of the acquisition of Future group companies. In 2019, the CCI […]

The Competition Commission Of India Amends Form II For Notifying Combinations

The Competition Commission of India (‘CCI’) has amended[1] the existing Form II thereby amending Schedule II of the Competition Commission of India (Procedure in regard to the transaction of business relating to combinations) Regulations, 2011 (‘Combination Regulations’). The new Form II will come in effect from 1st May, 2022 and any combination filings required to […]

Important decisions by Indian Courts

2011 suspended the limitation period also in respect of those claims resulting from truck purchases prior to July 2005 (the date on which s.33(3) GWB entered into force). However, the court considered the claim founded only in respect of seven out of the 13 trucks. The reason for this was that the city of Göttingen […]

Developments in Indian Competition Law, 2017

Regional Developments India Supreme Court Of India Orders Penalty Under The Competition Act To Be Calculated Based On The Relevant Turnover And Not On The Total Turnover Abuse of dominant position; Cartels; Fines; India; Motor dealers; Pharmaceutical industry; Resale price maintenance In a landmark judgment, the Supreme Court of India, vide its order dated 8 […]

Key Decisions in Competition Law

INDIA   Bombay High Court Sets Aside The Order Of CCI Against Cellular Operators Cartels; India; Investigations; Jurisdiction; National competition authorities; Telecommunications operators The Bombay High Court in its order dated 21 September, 2017, has quashed and set aside an order of the Competition Commission of India (CCI) dated 21 April, 2017 and all the […]


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